Seto SS/16 Lookbook

When a reputable source (Tumblr) said that Libras would take over the style game in 2016 I was like damn, this is my year. I opened my window, letting in the cool, January 1st air, and blew a kiss to the moon knowing that my dream of becoming a fashionista would finally come true. Then I started planning my ascent to become the style icon I was always destined to be.

I started to research, scrolling through Instagram, perusing what seemed like hundreds of accounts devoted to photos of clothes, latte art, macarons, and Teatox -- true signifiers of taste. These accounts made me nervous. Are fashionable people supposed to have more than four outfits?  Is the Tiny Tea Teatox really the ultimate cleansing detox? 

With such competition I knew I had to stand out somehow, while at the same time remaining true to myself. I tried to come up with the edgiest thing I could possibly think of, but with everything played out, it seemed impossible. Then it hit me: I would take on something that no one in fashion would possibly touch.

Of course.

I would take on carbs.

You might think this doesn't make sense, but hear me out. I'm not talking about just any carbs. I'm talking about bad carbs. The baddest carbs around. And processed sugars too, the kind that makes people walk on the other side of the street. I'm talking about taking these bad carbs and processed sugars and using them to accessorize every outfit I own. Sure, it might just look like I'm eating. Sure, I might actually just be eating. Regardless, you won't even notice that I've been wearing the same shirt three days in a row. Instead you'll be thinking, "wow, where did you get that pie from?" And with a knowing smile, I'll say, "Safeway -- $4.99." 

This style transformation has been utterly fulfilling, and I wanted to share it with all of you. It has given me the unearned confidence to do many things I would have never done before, like hashtag in text conversations or use puns as jokes. So enjoy this lookbook we've created that showcases this new style. It's truly a feast for the eyes.